
Tam Hare’s online PhD portfolio 2022

PhD in Music, Newcastle University

for the

Funding application project portfolio


cited works from the project, May 2022…

— note. relevant links to work examples are found in these entries and in certain image captions

Most current relevant works for this project’s funding application 2022

Tinnitus Channelled/Texts project

— Here is a link to a recording of a short section from this ongoing project, Tinnitus Channelled, which I am collaborating on with musician, composer and artist John Bryden. It will be the central creative-critical focus and collaboration, over the next year at least — being fully reassessed during APR 2023. This short recorded reading, with accompanying sounds, is from a section entitled Tapering Times (Dec 21).
[— please click on the play icons in Google Drive view to listen and view this project’s content].

Here are a number of readings from the Tinnitus Texts works, beginning with...
— ... a reading of sections created as connective passages, between the main body of texts, for this work with John Bryden. These directly respond to tinnitus as an auditory condition, within the writing.
— My recent ‘tinnital recordings’ (Jan 2022) from Tinnitus Channelled
— Another couple of selected recorded sections from this text works’ main passages, can be found here also: Tinnitus Channelled 4 & Tinnitus Channelled. 5 

— For further reference, here is an example of one of John’s noise recordings & one of his melodies, US Useless, which we are presently experimenting with and expanding on.
— Further text samples from this tinnitus work can be made available from the PhD APR 2022, Sample of relevant project work document and included as part of this funding submission’s documentation, if requested.


— I have been working on a specific proposal for this Tinnitus Texts work and project (’within a project’). As part of this, I have been looking at possible funding opportunities for this work. Therefore, I have included here a recent application, which I made in March to the Byggnads kulturstipendium in Sweden.


Conditions of Redirection: A Trialogue

– a collaboration between Två Cirklar and myself. This performance was given at Fylkingen on April 9th 2022. The final performance was between 45 and 50 minutes in duration.

— Here are recorded film and audio clip samples, from our collaboration’s eventual performance.
[I am currently working on a complete film version of this performance. This will have a superior audio-visual quality that represents more accurately how this was on the night for the audience.]
  — A short film clip from this Fylkingen performance, given as an example
  — A short audio section from this performance also
Finally again, these recordings’ quality is not the greatest but it hopefully still gives a decent indication of some of the work and its performance.

fig i. (x4 slides) These images were taken during our performance at Fylkingen in Stockholm.

fig ii. Here is a link to Fylkingen’s webpage, which contains our texts with more information regarding this event and collaboration.

— The clear explanatory press texts about the collaboration and performance, used as a handout during this event, can be accessed here.

fig iii & iv. These are the front and back cover designs of 'Assured Un-certain Chances' (May 2021). This text was performed as part of my ongoing collaboration with musicians Två Cirklar, at Fylkingen, Stockholm (April 9th 2022). Due to the Covid Pandemic, this event was rescheduled twice since its original performance date. As a reference though, here are two short sections from — 1. December 2020 & 2. June 2021 — of this work’s development, performed and recorded together with ‘Två Cirklar’, at Hospitalet’s Project Space in Uppsala.

Primed (this was the works’ & texts’ working title), Oct. 2019 – April. 2022, Fylkingen, musical performance collaboration with Två Cirklar. Here are another three relevant links related to this current project: draft essay, performance text & a rehearsal section

fig v & vi. The middle page spread design of, 'Assured Un-certain Chances' (May 2021).

— As part of this work, I have also been producing a draft essay, with Två Cirklar, provisionally titled Primed. This text examines the project and collaboration, and it will be made available following our Fylkingen performance. This work is presently being developed, planned and realised. However, an initial draft section of it can be found here...

fig vii. An installation shot of my photo, text, design and performed work ‘..., STAR, ...’. I exhibited this work during the exhibition ‘FRAGMENT’ (February 2020) at Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna, Sweden.
note. A performance reading of this text with Två Cirklar, can be heard here. This text is also part of the project’s development and is a key section in its final performance piece.


Project Presentation

— This is a link to a recording of a short presentation on my PhD project recently (Dec 21), w/ slides, for the Newcastle University, PG Music Showcase, December 15th 2021 [click play on the video in Google Drive to view and hear].


— ...past related works of interest... —

fig viii & ix. These images are the cover and first page designs of 'Cover Knowing' (April 2019). This exhibited installation work and accompanied book, were exhibited and displayed at Åhuset in Uppsala.

fig x & xi. One of my speculative ‘fiction-theory’ text explorations and its devised structured design, ‘Always Pushing’, displayed with the archival portrait used as part of its creation. This piece was exhibited at Hospitalet, Uppsala in September 2018. 

fig xii & xiii. This is my key Fylkingen performance of ‘Abstract Child: Only Ever Close’ (May 2016), with one of Anna Glantz’s commissioned images used in the project’s inception, visuals and designs. 

fig xiv & xv. The front, back page spread and designs, from the ‘Portico’ text, exhibited at ‘A Little Bit Sad in One Eye’ exhibition (April 2018), for ‘Stockholm Art Week 2018’.

fig xvi & xvii xviii. The front, back cover and selected page designs from the ‘Abstract Child’ publication. Presented and distributed at Fylkingen as part of its performance event in May 2016.

Tam Hare © 2025